R E C I P E S.

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All links should work for the recipes, but you may be taken to my old blog until I am able to make updates. Sorry for the inconvienience! 

[expand title=”Popular Recipes” tag=”h2″ trigclass=”recipe_category”]These recipes are the most searched and most viewed on My Fancy Pantry (my old blog)


[expand title=”Indian Cuisine Recipes” tag=”h2″ trigclass=”recipe_category”]

[expandsub1 title=”Basics” tag=”h3″]


[expandsub1 title=”Entrees/Curries” tag=”h3″]


[expandsub1 title=”Snacks and Drinks” tag=”h3″]


[expandsub1 title=”Indian Sweets” tag=”h3″]



[expand title=”Non-Indian Recipes” tag=”h2″ trigclass=”recipe_category”]

[expandsub1 title=”Basics” tag=”h3″]


[expandsub1 title=”Appetizers/Soups” tag=”h3″]


[expandsub1 title=”Entrees” tag=”h3″]


[expandsub1 title=”Breads” tag=”h3″]


[expandsub1 title=”Cakes, Cookies, Pies and More” tag=”h3″]


[expandsub1 title=”Pizzas” tag=”h3″]


[expandsub1 title=”Jams and Other Preserves” tag=”h3″]




    • Leandra, Not as of yet. I will definitely share a few soon. I’d like to make a video of chapati making (it’s harder than you’d imagine). As for making naan…it’s possible at home, but will never taste quite like what you get at the restaurant without using a tandoor. I’ve had a lot of requests though, so I will do some experimenting and post a recipe.

    • Thank you, Manju! I hope to someday have a huge and wonderful collection of recipes. I just want people to love the Indian cuisine as much as I do! 🙂

  1. I can’t wait to get started! Just need to buy some onions to get started on the base curry. Would love a recipe for naan that works – my family love it. Thanks!

    • Naan is a little tricky to make at home—at least, it’s tricky to make it taste like what you get at the restaurant. I’ll give it a go though, and see what I can come up with!

  2. I just found your blog today. I’m excited by all the yummy looking dishes. My husband is English and loves restaurant curries, but they are expensive here and unfortunately, every time I’ve tried to make any at home, they’ve all been complete disasters. I’m hopeful that I can try some of your recipes, especially the Korma and Tikka Masala! Thanks !!!

  3. please make index by veg and non-veg.easy for all.thanks

  4. This is great! As an American-born Indian, I never really tried to pick up many recipes, but this website will be great when I want to make Indian food at school! Much easier than frantically calling my mom to help me out.

    • I’m glad you enjoy the site! I’m sure your mom would be very proud of you for cooking some Indian dishes!

  5. I just found your blog! Haven’t tried any of your recipes yet, but I’m already in love with your site! 🙂 I’m a Bengali (I think Piyush is too!), and it’s so nice to see an American make so many traditional Indian (and Bengali) dishes. Yay!! 🙂 And much like you, I too discovered by love for cooking after I got married. Will definitely try out your recipes soon! 🙂

    • Hello! I’m glad you stumbled across my blog…you’re correct, Piyush is also Bengali! Hope you enjoy the recipes! 😀

  6. I have been looking at some of your recipe’s and I don’t see any fish curry. please add I would like to copy.

    • Hello KB!

      You’re right, I don’t have a fish curry on the blog–which is weird since I’m married to a Bengali (they LOVE fish!). I’ll be sure to get one posted soon!

  7. Hi Shari,
    I stumbled on to your blog through pinterest, Great blog. Im am also married to a Bengali and I made your Shrimp Malai Curry recipe and it was a hit. Thanks for sharing the recipe!


    • Hello Emily! I’m glad the shrimp malai curry was a hit! It’s actually one of my most favorite recipes to make…everyone seems to love it!

      P.S. Aren’t Bengali guys the best?! 😀

  8. Shari- I’m hunting for tips on how to make rice just like they do in Indian restaurants – any help? I don’t see a rice recipe in your index.

    • Becky, are you referring to the white basmati rice, or some sort of pulau? I’d be happy to help the best I can!

  9. Hi Shari,
    I love saag/palak paneer, and when I try to replicate recipes I find on the internet the flavor just isn’t as vibrant as what I get at a good restaurant. Any tips?

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