It’s Clemen-time!

You know what I love about winter?  It’s not the snow or the cold (actually, I hate both of those things).  It’s not even the holidays.  Nope.  What I love most about winter is the clementines!

Look at this guy:

One bite…and I was in love.  It didn’t stand a chance.  The only problem?  (aside from the price $$$) I don’t have nearly enough to last the week!  I love clementines and we try to keep them on hand—they’re the perfect snack.  I bought these guys from the co-op, and they rock my world!  They are a million times more scrumptious than the “cutie” ones we usually buy from the grocery store.

I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to shop at our local co-op, The Good Food Store.  You can find practically anything there!  It kind of reminds me of whole foods, actually—it’s just smaller, filled with local produce, and the people are so much more friendly.  All good things!

I had a few items I wanted to pick up including romaine, herbs, beans, salsa and some cheese.  I’ve got bean taco salads and a pasta dish on the menu for this week, and I’m hoping that a little extra planning will really make dinner preparations seem a lot less tedious.

Since I was out and about, I figured I might as well make a quick stop at Goodwill.  Deals wait for no-one, you know! (haha!)

I want to find a tiny desk for our laptop, but had no luck today.  Instead, I did find an amazing, little serving dish for $3 that will be awesome for chutneys or salsas!

How cute is that?!

After I finished up at Goodwill, I stopped in at Michaels to get some knitting supplies.  I’ve always wanted to learn to knit and never really knew how to make that happen.  I thought about taking classes, but with my work schedule it’s not that easy to commit.  I don’t have a set schedule and it’s hard to get certain days off in during the week.  So, I decided I’d buy some needles and yarn and check out youtube.

It's not much...but it's a start.

Aside from knitting, I’m also doing a little “gardening”…I have green onions growing on top of my refrigerator!

I just threw some old roots in a jar…and wham!  I’ve got onions!

Does anyone know if I can grow other herbs this way?  I don’t think they get the greatest sunlight, but they really seem to be thriving!

Now, it’s Greek for dinner (we got some take out from a local restaurant we haven’t tried before), then some mind numbing television (Teen Mom)  before I shower and head to bed!

Happy Tuesday, everyone!!!


  1. Shari,
    I love your blog!!! The 2 dish container you showed we used to have in the restaruant years ago for salad dressings.When you could leave your dressings out all day:)

    • Thank you, Patty! I fell in love with that little server! I know that they use similar ones at the Indian restaurant too.

  2. By all means, grow your own Clementines. You can do it, no matter where you live. I’ll gladly tell you how. I used to own one of the most popular purveyors of dwarf (home-grown) citrus trees in the U.S. If you knew how truly easy it is to grow your favorite citrus — on your porch — you’d never shop the citrus section in your market again. Feel free to shoot me a line. Excellent blog, by the way!

    • I will most definitely be asking you about growing my own clementines here in Minnesota…I thought it was impossible! Well, when I was in India I wondered about it, actually. In the foothills of the Himalayas oranges grow! And it gets pretty cold there (but I don’t think as cold as here!)

  3. Here in Colorado it’s mostly cuties in the store. I love your celebration of clemen-time! In honor of the new year, I took the candy dish out of my office and replaced it with a dish of cuties.

    Happy New Year!

  4. I’m with you, our family of 4 goes through nearly a box of cuties a day….. addiction status

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