Tag: Fish & Seafood

Diet, Food, Photography, Recipes

Diets Don’t Have to Be Torture (but they usually are) & Mexican Spiced Shrimp

I’ve mentioned once or twice a million times that I’ve been on a diet.  How exciting?!  Actually, I’m trying to think of it more as a lifestyle change.  I’m not depriving myself, I’m just not over-doing it, either. My new way of eating really focuses on portion sizes and eating more frequently.  Truthfully, it sucks.  That being said, it works. […]

Food, Recipes

Indian Inspired Mussel Pilaf

I’m not a huge fan of seafood, but the other night while I was paging through one of my cookbooks (Gordon Ramsay’s Great Escape: India) I noticed a beautiful photo of a whole sea bass cooked in banana leaves.  I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind since.  It’s pretty much embedded. I’ve […]

Food, Recipes

Bengali Shrimp Malai Curry

This post and recipe have been updated on my new blog, Spiced up Mom. Please click the photo below to be taken to the new recipe! I have a confession to make.  I am a judgmental, picky–sometimes even bratty–eater.  I always have been.  If something looks funny, I might still try it; but I make no […]

Adventures, Food, Recipes

Sushi Party!

I love dinner with friends, the more the better!  Summer and I have been trying to plan a get-together and we decided that tonight was the night.  Her daughter, Isabelle, loves sushi and had been asking when they could come over and make some. Piyush and I learned to make sushi from a couple of […]

Food, Recipes

Bouillabaisse: Something Smells Fishy!

Today was a productive day!  I had went to a cable class last night at the gym and was really, really hurting this morning.  I feel muscles that I usually forget I have.  As much as I wanted to just laze around and relax I decided that I should go back to the gym today […]