Curry Leaf and Black Pepper Chicken Curry

I love a good chicken curry, and this Curry Leaf and Black Pepper Chicken Curry recipe is no exception! I’ve taken inspiration from some of the delicious foods I tasted while visiting Kerala, India; using a pretty common flavor profile for that area.

Although it’s a bit similar to my Coconut and Cardamom Chicken Curry recipe (another favorite!), the flavor is also quite unique.

If you aren’t very familiar with Indian cooking, you may not know what curry leaves are. Not to be confused with the “curry” spice that you can pick up at the local supermarket, these leaves are extremely flavorful and lend a bit of a herbal flavor to your dish. I suppose you can liken it to the bay leaf in western cuisine. It adds depth to your dish and is usually that flavor that you can’t quite pin-point, but your taste-buds can surely tell when it’s missing. chicken marinade, indian chicken marinade, chicken curry marinade, grinding curry leaves


Curry leaves usually play a supporting role in Indian cuisine, added before cooking or as part of a tadka (tempering of spices in oil) at the end. They aren’t usually the star; and even with using over 50 leaves in this dish–I wouldn’t say that their flavor overpowers the others, surprisingly.

Curry leaves can be found at most Indian and Asian grocery stores.  They can also be ordered online. When purchased fresh, they last a few weeks in the refrigerator, provided they are stored well. I usually wrap mine in paper towels and then slip them into a Ziploc bag.  You may also freeze curry leaves and add them to your dish directly from the freezer.

Curry leaves may also be purchased and used dried (or you can dry your own!) and are sometimes even crushed into a powder. Although the leaves themselves aren’t usually eaten whole, there is no harm in doing so.  Most people choose to pick them out of their foods or just keep them aside while eating.

Originally when I made this recipe I had thought that I would keep it simple and make the gravy (sauce of the curry) using only the spices, marinade and water.  It tasted really nice, but I thought a bit of coconut milk would take it up a notch.

I was right.

If you like your dish a bit more creamy, go ahead and add in some extra coconut milk–or even coconut cream. Delicious. Please keep in mind that you may need to add extra salt to balance the flavor.

When you taste a curry, it should be an explosion of flavor on your tongue. If instead of an explosion, the flavor is more like a little bang, you probably need to adjust the salt.

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